Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Our Egypt Class Project: The Mummy

Egypt Projects - The Mummy

Ancient Egyptians believed that when you died, your soul went to the underworld to be judged by Osiris, Lord of the Underworld. If he judged you to have been a good person, then your soul would re-unite with your body and you would live in eternal paradise. But in order for your soul to recognize your body, you had to look the way you had while you were alive, which is why corpses were mummified. Now that you know why bodies were mummifed, you can make your own mummy - but instead of wrapping your little brother in sheets, try using a Barbie doll.
  • Take the doll and wrap it in cloth strips until it's completely covered. You may want to start at the feet and work your way up to the head.
  • Insert amulets (special charms) between linen wrappings. You can use anything from jewelry to coins.
  • For bonus points, make a sarcophagus (coffin) out of a cardboard box and decorate it with hieroglyphics.

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